Tania Joya Wiki: Facts about Ex-ISIS Widow and Van Taylor’s Alleged Girlfriend

Who is Tania Joya? Why is she often making the rounds in the news? Let’s dive into her not-so-personal life. Not everyone is aware of Tania Joya as an individual, but digging a little bit into her personal life will draw anybody’s attention.
Tania Joya, born to a Bangladeshi family residing in London, is famously known as the ISIS bride who married an American-turned-ISIS member, John Georgelas, at the age of nineteen. She fled Syria post her abduction and since then has been staying low-profile and therefore, not much information is available about her personal life.
Tania’s alleged affair with a famous US politician is something that is hampering her intention to stay low-profile and is currently making the news for being the alleged girlfriend of Republican Rep. Van Taylor, a Texas-based Congressman.
The Start of Tania Joya’s Controversial Life
The world is aware of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) as one of the most well-known and feared terrorist groups in the world belonging from the Middle East. As the name suggests, it is a so-called Religious Terror Group that bases its principles on the Holy Scripture of Islam.
The discussion of this topic is endless as to what it means and the unnecessary violence caused because of it and the cause for its formation being blamed on the US, but today we are going to focus on the infamous Americans tied to this terrorist organization.
Tania Joya, the ex-ISIS widow of Yahya al-Bahrumi, born John Thomas Georgelas in Dallas. He was considered the highest-ranking American in the terrorist group of ISIS. She married him at the age of nineteen and became a Jihadist under her husband and family’s influence but later realized she was stuck in an abusive marriage.
She was abducted by her husband after ten years of marriage and three of her children and taken to Syria. Her former husband, John, was killed during an invasion in 2017 and is reportedly have been known to have left a few other widows along with Tania Joya, who is now also often called Ex-ISIS Widow.
Citizens of the US are somewhat skeptical of Joya’s true intention regarding her decision to remain a citizen of the USA because of her past and her inclination towards the Islamic State initially.
Tania Joya’s Alleged Affair
Tania Joya had fled Syria and settled in Dallas, her ex-husband’s hometown. She is currently in news for not-so-positive news related to her personal life. The Republican Representative Van Taylor has been linked to the ISIS-Bride in a romantic manner and since then it has been making the headlines.
One of the reasons this alleged linkup of the two is raising eyebrows is because Van Taylor is a married man, is a father of three, and was supposed to run the re-election campaign which he later withdrew.
Taylor and Anne Coolidge married in 2004 and have three kids together.
‘About a year ago, I made a horrible mistake that has caused deep hurt and pain among those I love the most in this world’, Taylor said. ‘I had an affair, it was wrong and it was the greatest failure of my life.’
Tania contacted Taylor’s opposition and another candidate for the re-election, Suzzane Harp, and told her about her affair with the Republican Rep. and had hoped that the confrontation with him to drop out of the election campaign and resign from Congress would be private, which didn’t happen.
‘All I wanted was for Suzanne Harp to just say “Hey, I know your little scandal with Tania Joya. Would you like to resign before we embarrass you?”. But it didn’t happen like that’,
Joya told in the interview. The damage to Van Taylor, his family, and the Political Party he represented had been already done.
Taylor’s opposition expressed that the matter was concerning and sympathized with the people affected by this news and was aware of the damage it did to the personal lives of Taylor and his wife Anne.
Tania told the reporters that she met him during her work of helping to deradicalize terrorism who had seen the insights of the extremist group, post which, she had a nine-month-long affair with the politician. She also told that Taylor had helped her financially around the end of their affair.
He helped her pay her credit card debts and several other pending bills in her name.
‘I needed help. I was like, just help me out because that’s the least – the very least – he could do’, ‘For him, it was like, “Okay, on the condition you don’t tell anyone”… I didn’t want to tell anybody anything’ said Tania.
Whether Joya really did not intend for it to become a piece of heated news or not does not matter after the revelation has been made by whosoever.
Tania Joya’s affair with Van Taylor is still talked about when it comes to the political scenario of the US and things that go on behind the scenes. People are in awe about how Joya had completely turned back from all the radicalization she went through because of her family and former husband.
Today she resides in Texas with her four children and does not update much about her personal life on social media.